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Photoreactivity of iron(III)-aerobactin: photoproduct structure and iron(III) coordination.. Inorg Chem. 45(15):6028-33.
2006. Structure and membrane affinity of new amphiphilic siderophores produced by Ochrobactrum sp. SP18.. J Biol Inorg Chem. 11(5):633-41.
2006. Marine amphiphilic siderophores: marinobactin structure, uptake, and microbial partitioning.. J Inorg Biochem. 101(11-12):1692-8.
2007. Metal-dependent self-assembly of a microbial surfactant.. Langmuir. 23(18):9393-400.
2007. Siderophores. Biological Inorganic Chemistry: Structure and Reactivity (Metal Transport and Storage Proteins section) (eds. I. Bertini, H.B. Gray, E.I. Stiefel, J.S. Valentine) University Science Books. 2007 pp 151-156 (Chapter VIII.3).
2007. Iodide accumulation provides kelp with an inorganic antioxidant impacting atmospheric chemistry.. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 105(19):6954-8.
2008. Iodide accumulation provides kelp with an inorganic antioxidant impacting atmospheric chemistry.. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 105(19):6954-8.
2008. XAS study of a metal-induced phase transition by a microbial surfactant.. Langmuir. 24(9):4999-5002.
2008. Chemistry of marine ligands and siderophores.. Ann Rev Mar Sci. 1:43-63.
2009. Ferric stability constants of representative marine siderophores: marinobactins, aquachelins, and petrobactin.. Inorg Chem. 48(23):11466-73.
2009. Loihichelins A-F, a suite of amphiphilic siderophores produced by the marine bacterium Halomonas LOB-5.. J Nat Prod. 72(5):884-8.
2009. Mechanistic considerations of halogenating enzymes.. Nature. 460(7257):848-54.
2009. Microbial iron acquisition: marine and terrestrial siderophores.. Chem Rev. 109(10):4580-95.
2009. Siderophores of Marinobacter aquaeolei: petrobactin and its sulfonated derivatives.. Biometals. 22(4):565-71.
2009. Iron(III)-siderophore coordination chemistry: Reactivity of marine siderophores.. Coord Chem Rev. 254(3-4):288-296.
2010. Vanchrobactin and anguibactin siderophores produced by Vibrio sp. DS40M4.. J Nat Prod. 73(6):1038-43.
2010. Vanchrobactin and anguibactin siderophores produced by Vibrio sp. DS40M4.. J Nat Prod. 73(6):1038-43.
2010. Acquisition of Iron by Marine Bacteria. Encyclopaedia of Geobiology, 2011, 565-568. Thiel V, Reitner J. (eds). Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York; Invited contribution.
2011. Chrysobactin siderophores produced by Dickeya chrysanthemi EC16.. J Nat Prod. 74(5):1207-12.
2011. Identification of new members within suites of amphiphilic marine siderophores.. Biometals. 24(1):85-92.
2011. Metallosurfactants of bioinorganic interest: Coordination-induced self assembly.. Coord Chem Rev. 225(7-8):678-687.
2011. Vanadium bromoperoxidase from Delisea pulchra: enzyme-catalyzed formation of bromofuranone and attendant disruption of quorum sensing.. Chem Commun (Camb). 47(44):12086-8.
2011. A suite of citrate-derived siderophores from a marine Vibrio species isolated following the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.. J Inorg Biochem. 107(1):90-5.
2012. Amino acid variability in the peptide composition of a suite of amphiphilic peptide siderophores from an open ocean Vibrio species.. J Biol Inorg Chem. 18(5):489-97.
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