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Magnetic susceptibility of Mn(III) complexes of hydroxamate siderophores.. J Inorg Biochem. 148:22-6.
2015. Microbial tailoring of acyl peptidic siderophores.. Biochemistry. 53(16):2624-31.
2014. Metallosurfactants of bioinorganic interest: Coordination-induced self assembly.. Coord Chem Rev. 225(7-8):678-687.
2011. Mechanistic considerations of halogenating enzymes.. Nature. 460(7257):848-54.
2009. Microbial iron acquisition: marine and terrestrial siderophores.. Chem Rev. 109(10):4580-95.
2009. Marine amphiphilic siderophores: marinobactin structure, uptake, and microbial partitioning.. J Inorg Biochem. 101(11-12):1692-8.
2007. Metal-dependent self-assembly of a microbial surfactant.. Langmuir. 23(18):9393-400.
2007. The marine biogeochemistry of iron.. Met Ions Biol Syst. 44:21-46.
2005. Marine siderophores and microbial iron mobilization.. Biometals. 18(4):369-74.
2005. Micelle-to-vesicle transition of an iron-chelating microbial surfactant, marinobactin E.. Langmuir. 21(26):12109-14.
2005. Membrane affinity of the amphiphilic marinobactin siderophores.. J Am Chem Soc. 124(45):13408-15.
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