
Found 139 results
Author Title [ Type(Desc)] Year
Book Chapter
Homann VV, Butler A.  2011.  Acquisition of Iron by Marine Bacteria. Encyclopaedia of Geobiology, 2011, 565-568. Thiel V, Reitner J. (eds). Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York; Invited contribution.
Butler A.  1990.  Coordination and Redox Chemistry of Vanadium in Aqueous Solution. Vanadium in Biological Systems, ed. ND Chasteen, Kluwer Academic Publishers. :25-50.
Clague MJ, Butler A.  1994.  Functional Mimics of Vanadium Enzymes. Advances in Inorganic Biochemistry, Vol 9, Ed. L.G. Marzilli, G.L. Eichhorn . :219-243.
Zane HK, Butler A.  2013.  Iron Acquisition (Bacteria). Comprehensive Inorganic Chemistry II, 2013, 3, 1-20. (Invited Review), series editors J. Reedijk K Poppelmeier, Vol. 3: Bioinorganic Fundamentals and Applications: Metals in Natural Living Systems and Metals in Toxicology and Medicine; Vol 3 Eds: VL Pecor.
Butler A., Tschirret-Guth R.A., Simpson M.T.  1998.  Reactivity of Vanadium Bromoperoxidase. Vanadium Compounds: Chemistry, Biochemistry and Therapeutic Applications, Tracey, A.S., Crans, D.C., Eds.; ACS Symposium Series 711; American Chemical Society, 1998; Chapter 15, 202-215.
Butler A.  2007.  Siderophores. Biological Inorganic Chemistry: Structure and Reactivity (Metal Transport and Storage Proteins section) (eds. I. Bertini, H.B. Gray, E.I. Stiefel, J.S. Valentine) University Science Books. 2007 pp 151-156 (Chapter VIII.3).
Valentine JS, Roe J, Butler A, MotadeFreitas D.  1985.  Studies of Copper-Zinc Superoxide Dismutase: The Role of Zinc and of the Essential Arginyl Residue. Biological and Inorganic Copper Chemistry, Vol 2, (ed, K. Karlin and J. Zubieta) Adenine Press. :53-60.
Butler A.  1992.  Vanadium Bromoperoxidase. Bioinorganic Catalysis, ed. J Reedijk, M Dekker. :425-445.
Soedjak HS, Butler A, Tschirret-Guth RA, Walker J.  1992.  Vanadium Bromoperoxidase: A Novel and Abundant Marine Metalloenzyme. Developments in Microbiology Series: "International Marine Biotechnology", Ed C.C. Nash II; Publisher: W.C. Brown Co. :234-238.
Butler A, Baldwin AH.  1997.  Vanadium Bromoperoxidase and Functional Mimics. Structure and Bonding: Metal Sites in Proteins and Models, eds P Sadler, HAO Hill, A Thompson. 89:109-131.
Butler A.  1999.  Vanadium Bromoperoxidases. Bioinorganic Catalysis,Second Edition, Bouwman, E., Reedjik, J., Eds.; Marcel Dekker: U.S., 1999; Chapter 5, 55-80.
Butler A., Carter J.N., Simpson M.T.  2001.  Vanadium in Proteins and Enzymes. Handbook on Metalloproteins, Bertini, I., Sigel, A., Sigel, H., Eds.; Marcel Dekker: New York, 2001.
Butler A.  1997.  Vanadium-Dependent Redox Enzymes: Vanadium Haloperoxidase. Comprehensive Biological Catalysis (ed. M. Sinnott) British Academic Press. :427-437.
Journal Article
Butler A., Danzitz M.J., Eckert H..  1987.  51V NMR as a Probe of Metal Ion Binding Sites in Metalloproteins. J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 109:1864-1866.
Butler A, Eckert H.  1989.  51V NMR Investigations of Vanadium(V) Coordination to Apo-Human Transferrin. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 111:2802-2809.
Butler A.  1998.  Acquisition and utilization of transition metal ions by marine organisms.. Science. 281(5374):207-10.
Kem MP, Butler A.  2015.  Acyl peptidic siderophores: structures, biosyntheses and post-assembly modifications.. Biometals. 28(3):445-59.
Maier GP, Rapp MV, J. Waite H, Israelachvili JN, Butler A.  2015.  Adaptive synergy between catechol and lysine promotes wet adhesion by surface salt displacement. Science. 349(6248):628-32.
Haygood MJ, Holt P, Butler A.  1993.  Aerobactin Production by a Planktonic Marine Vibrio Sp. Limnol. Oceanogr. 38:1091-1097.
Hardy CD, Butler A.  2019.  On the ambiguity of NRPS structure predictions: Four bidentate chelating groups in the siderophore pacifibactin.. J. Nat'l Products. 82(4):990-997.
Gauglitz JM, Butler A.  2013.  Amino acid variability in the peptide composition of a suite of amphiphilic peptide siderophores from an open ocean Vibrio species.. J Biol Inorg Chem. 18(5):489-97.
Naka H., Reitz ZL, Jelowicki A.L., Butler A., Haygood M.G.  2018.  Amphi-enterobactin commonly produced among Vibrio campbellii and Vibrio harveyi strains can be taken up by a novel outer membrane protein FapA that also can transport canonical Fe(III)-enterobactin. JBIC. 23(7):1009-1022.
Kem MP, Zane HK, Springer SD, Gauglitz JM, Butler A.  2014.  Amphiphilic siderophore production by oil-associating microbes.. Metallomics. 6(6):1150-5.
Kraemer S.M., Butler A., Borer P., Cervini-Silva J.  2005.  Biogenic ligands and the dissolution of iron bearing minerals in marine systems. Mineralogy and Geochemistry: Molecular Geomicrobiology. 59:53-76.
Clague MJ, Keder NL, Butler A.  1993.  Biomimetics of Vanadium Bromoperoxidase: Vanadium(V) Schiff Base Complexes Which Catalyze the Oxidation of Bromide by Hydrogen Peroxide. Inorg. Chem. 32:4754-4761.
