Theoretical Modeling - PET 2-mer

    For the 2-mer, two families of conformers are predicted by theory that have widely different energies and cross-sections (see plot at right). The lowest-energy structures are folded so that the phenyl groups in the chain stack on top of each other. The Na+ ion binds to the two terminal OH groups and two carbonyl oxygen atoms (shown in purple in the two figures below). The average cross-section of these folded forms (133 ± 2 Å2) agrees very well with the experimental value obtained from the ATDs (135 ± 2 Å2) shown as the red shaded area in the plot. The higher-energy structures, with an average cross-section of 160 ± 3 Å2, are quasi-linear with the Na+ ion bound to two carbonyl oxygens near the middle of the chain.

    The cross-section difference between the folded and linear forms of the 2-mer is large enough (~20%) that if both species were present they should be easily separated in the drift cell. However, only one peak is observed in the 2-mer ATDs at all temperatures (80-550 K) and the cross-section obtained from the ATD agrees very well with the value predicted for the folded form. Thus, the higher-energy linear forms are not likely present in the experiments.
    Similar scatter plots and structures were also predicted for the 2-mer cationized by Li+ and K+.
    A comparison between the experimental cross-sections obtained from the 300 K ATDs and the average cross-section predicted for the folded forms of Li+PET2, Na+PET2, and K+PET2 are shown in the table (at left).