Isolated Biomolecules and Biomolecular Interactions Conference - April 13 to 18, 2008 - Valladolid, Spain
Conformation and Aggregation of Biological Molecules: The Latest News (3.7 MB pdf)
M. T. Bowers
ASMS Sanibel Conference on Mass Spectrometry - January 18 to 21, 2008 -
Daytona Beach, FL
25 Years of IMS at UCSB (5.3 MB pdf)
M. T. Bowers
on Ion Chemistry and Mass Spectrometry - January 11 to 13, 2008 -
Lake Arrowhead, CA
Hydration of Protonated Amino Acids
Bing Gao, Thomas Wyttenbach, and Michael T. Bowers
Lateral Growth Mechanism of Amyloid Protofibrils: A Theoretical Study
Chun Wu, Joan-Emma Shea, and Mike Bowers
Probing Structures and Early Aggregation States of Amylin, A Peptide Implicated in Type II Diabetes
Nicholas Dupuis and Michael Bowers
A New High-Resolution Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometer - poster
Paul Kemper, Nicholas Dupuis, and Michael T. Bowers
The Aβ Alzheimer's Peptide: Experiment and Theory on the 21 to 30 Fragment - poster
M. Murray, M. Griffin Krone, S. Bernstein, T. Wyttenbach, D. Teplow, J-E. Shea, and M. Bowers
The Factors Influencing Conformational Transitions of a G-Quadruplex DNA
Jiang Zhou, Nick Dupuis, and Michael T. Bowers
2nd Congress of the Brazilian Mass Spectrometry Society - December 9 to 11, 2007 -
Campinas, Brazil
Application of Ion Mobility to Biological Problems: Protein Misfolding & Aggregation Diseases (5.3 MB pdf)
M. T. Bowers
37th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience - November 3 to 7, 2007 -
San Diego, CA
Structure and Early Aggregation of Amyloid β-Peptide using Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry - poster (3.0 MB pdf)
M. Murray, S. Bernstein, T. Wyttenbach, C. Robinson, G. Bitan, D. Teplow, and M. Bowers
12th Beijing Conference and Exhibition of Instrumental Analysis - October 18 to 21, 2007 -
Beijing, China
Ion Mobility as a Probe for Molecular Structure & Oligomer States in Biological Assemblies (7.9 MB pdf)
Michael T. Bowers
234th ACS National Meeting - August 19 to 23, 2007 -
Boston, MA
Structures & Aggregation States of Biological Systems (5.0 MB pdf)
Michael T. Bowers
Gordon Research Conference: Biological Molecules in the Gas Phase - July 22 to 27, 2007 - Lewiston, ME
Interactions of the Hormone Oxytocin with Divalent Metal Ions (5.5 MB pdf)
Thomas Wyttenbach, Dengfeng Liu, and Michael T. Bowers
Structural Effects of Spermine Binding to WT α-Synuclein and its A30P & A53T Mutants (1.9 MB pdf)
Megan Grabenauer, Jennifer C. Lee, Summer L. Bernstein, Nicholas F. Dupuis, Thomas Wyttenbach, Jay R. Winkler, Harry B. Gray, and Michael T. Bowers
55th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry - June 3 to 7, 2007 -
Indianapolis, IN
Ion Mobility: The Method & Recent Applications (6.2 MB pdf)
Michael T. Bowers
Symposium on Size Selected Clusters - March 12 to 16, 2007 - Brand, Austria
Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry: DNA Self-Assembly & Alzheimer’s Peptide Aggregation (5.0 MB pdf)
Michael T. Bowers
DGMS Annual Conference - March 11 to 14, 2007 -
Bremen, Germany
Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry: Application to Biomolecules (4.4 MB pdf)
Michael T. Bowers
Research Conference, Gaseous Ions: Structures, Energetics & Reactions - February 25 to March 2, 2007 - Ventura, CA
Solution Biology in a Solvent-Free Environment: Applications to G-Quadruplex/Drug Binding & Early Aggregation States of the Alzheimer's Peptide Aβ (5.4 MB pdf)
Michael T. Bowers
21st ANZSMS Conference - January 22 to 25, 2007 -
Christchurch, New Zealand
Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry: Application to Biomolecules (5.7 MB pdf)
Michael T. Bowers
on Ion Chemistry and Mass Spectrometry - January 12 to 14, 2007 -
Lake Arrowhead, CA
Size-Dependent Charge-Separation Reaction for SO42-(H2O)n with n=3-7 (1.5 MB pdf)
Bing Gao and Zhi-feng Liu
Formation, Stability and Conformation Study of the Quadruplexes using ESI-MS (2.3 MB pdf)
Jiang Zhou and Gu Yuan
Hydration of Biopolymers: Studies of Selected Model Systems (4.6 MB pdf)
Thomas Wyttenbach, Bing Gao, Dengfeng Liu, and Michael T. Bowers
Aggregation of a Crucial Fragment of the Tau Protein: Implications for Alzheimer’s Disease (4.2 MB pdf)
Dena Bodzin, Megan Grabenauer, Michael T. Bowers, Mike Ando, and John Lew
Structural Comparisons between the Protein α-Synuclein and Two of its Familial Mutants: A30P & A53T (2.6 MB pdf)
Megan Grabenauer, Summer L. Bernstein, Nicholas F. Dupuis, Thomas Wyttenbach, Michael T. Bowers, Jennifer C. Lee, Harry B. Gray, and Jay R. Winkler
Structural Investigation of HIV-1 Central Flap Sequence: Possible Formation of a G-Quadruplex - poster (1.4 MB pdf)
Nicholas G. Dupuis and Michael T. Bowers
36th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience - October 14 to 18, 2006 -
Atlanta, GA
Using Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry to Investigate Oligomer-Size Distributions and Structures of Early Stages in Aβ Assembly (1.3 MB pdf)
Summer L. Bernstein, Nicholas Dupuis, Thomas Wyttenbach, Noel Lazo, Gal Bitan, David Teplow, and Michael T. Bowers
17th International Mass Spectrometry Conference - August 27 to September 1, 2006 -
Prague, Czech Republic
Ion Mobility: The Method and Some Applications to Peptides/Proteins and Oligonucleotides (4.3 MB pdf)
Michael T. Bowers
54th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry - May 28 to June 1, 2006 -
Seattle, WA
Using Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry to Measure Oligomer-Size Distributions and Structures for the Early Stages of Aβ Assembly (3.2 MB pdf)
Summer L. Bernstein, Nicholas F. Dupuis, Thomas Wyttenbach, Noel D. Lazo, Gal Bitan, David B. Teplow, and Michael T. Bowers
Interaction of Divalent Metal Ions with the Hormone Oxytocin: Hormone Receptor Binding (1.3 MB pdf)
Michael T. Bowers, Dengfeng Liu, and Thomas Wyttenbach
Hydration of DNA Nucleotides (1.7 MB pdf)
Thomas Wyttenbach, Dengfeng Liu, and Michael T. Bowers
on Ion Chemistry and Mass Spectrometry - January 13 to 15, 2006 -
Lake Arrowhead, CA
of Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxanes (POSS) Oligomers Using Ion
Mobility Mass Spectrometry and Molecular Mechanics (3.7 MB pdf)
Stanley Anderson, Erin Baker, Connie Mitchell, Dena Bodzin, Michael
T. Bowers, Tim Haddad, Ashwani Vij, and Joe Schwab
Mobility Mass Spectrometry of Fluoridated Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxane
(POSS) Cages - poster (5.1 MB pdf)
Dena Bodzin, Connie Mitchell, Michael T. Bowers, Stanley E. Anderson
and Timothy S. Haddad
ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics - May 23 to
27, 2004 - Nashville, TN
Contribution in Mass Spectrometry Award Address- Collision Theory
(2.11 MB pdf)
Michael T. Bowers
of the Structure of the Zn2+-Oxytocin Complex: Implications
for Oxytocin-Receptor Binding (1.87 MB pdf)
Alexandra B. Seuthe, Dengfeng Liu, Oli Th. Ehrler, Xiaohua Zhang,
Thomas Wyttenbach, and Michael T. Bowers
to Gas Phase - DNA and Protein Complexes (3.66 MB pdf)
Michael T. Bowers, Thomas Wyttenbach, Summer Bernstein, Alessandra
Ferzoco, Erin Baker, and Jennifer Gidden
of Helix Formation and Other Structural Aspects in DNA Oligonucleotide
Duplexes (2.35 MB pdf)
Jennifer Gidden, Erin Baker, Alessandra Ferzoco, Manuel Manard, and
Michael T. Bowers
227th ACS National Meeting - March 28 to April 1, 2004 - Anaheim,
Formation and the Onset of Helicity in Oligonucleotides
Jennifer Gidden, Erin Shammel Baker, Alessandra Ferzoco, and
Michael T. Bowers
Gas Phase Structures of LHRH Variants: Is It Relevant to Biologists?
Perdita Barran, Nick Polfer, Thomas Wyttenbach, Michael T. Bowers,
and Robert P. Millar
of Small Peptides (8.29 MB pdf)
Thomas Wyttenbach, Dengfeng Liu, and Michael T. Bowers
Tunneling Microscopy of Mass-Selected Ag Clusters on Titania - poster
(1.86 MB pdf)
Lauren B. Aubin, Xiao Tong, Paul R. Kemper, Yigal Lilach, Andrei
A. Kolmakov, Horia Metiu, Michael T. Bowers, and Steven K. Buratto
and Activation in Reactions of CoCp+ with Hydrogen and Methane
- poster
Jason K. Perry, Catherine J. Carpenter, Petra A. M. van Koppen,
Paul R. Kemper, John E. Bushnell, Patrick Weis, and Michael T. Bowers
of the Collaborative Research Centre 546 - Transition Metal Oxides - Clusters,
Surfaces and Solids - Structure, Dynamics and Reactivity - March 21
to 24, 2004 - Berlin-Schmöckwitz, Germany
and Modeling of Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxane (POSS) Systems
(2.23 MB pdf)
Stanley Anderson, Michael Bowers, Erin Shammel Baker, Jennifer
Gidden, Shawn Phillips, Tim Haddad, and Sandra Tomscak
on Ion Chemistry and Mass Spectrometry - January 16 to 18, 2004 -
Lake Arrowhead, CA
Examination of the Peptide-Zinc Interaction in the Divalent Oxytocin
Complex (689 KB pdf)
Alexandra Seuthe, Dengfeng Liu, Oli Th. Ehrler, Xiaohua Zhang,
Thomas Wyttenbach, and Michael T. Bowers
Interaction and Dissociation Reactions of Mono and Diatomic Silver Cations
with Small Alkenes (564 KB pdf)
Manuel J. Manard, Paul R. Kemper, Catherine J. Carpenter, and
Michael T. Bowers
and Clustering of Aβ-Peptides Studied by Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry
(2.60 MB pdf)
Summer Bernstein, Thomas Wyttenbach, Michael T. Bowers, Gal Bitan,
and David Teplow
of Helices in Oligonucleotides
Alessandra Ferzoco, Erin Baker, Jennifer Gidden, and Michael
T. Bowers
of Small Peptides - poster (1.42 MB pdf)
Thomas Wyttenbach, Dengfeng Liu, and Michael T. Bowers
and Gobs of DNA: Why Are There So Many Peaks in My Mass Spectra? - poster
(409 KB pdf)
Erin Shammel Baker, Jennifer Gidden, Alessandra Ferzoco, and
Michael T. Bowers
Asilomar Conference on Mass Spectrometry, Biomolecule Interactions: Identification
and Characterization of Protein Complexes - October 17 to 21, 2003
- Pacific Grove, CA
and Aggregation of Alzheimer's Disease Peptides Studied by Ion Mobility
Summer L. Bernstein, Thomas Wyttenbach, Michael T. Bowers, Gal
Bitan, and David Teplow
talk - pdf (546
poster - pdf (1.04
Research Conference, Biological Molecules in the Gas Phase - July
20 to 25, 2003 - New London, CT
DNA Helix Conformations (4.64 MB pdf)
Erin Shammel Baker, Jennifer Gidden, Alessandra Ferzoco, Thomas Wyttenbach,
and Michael Bowers
and Aggregation of Alzheimer's Disease Peptides Studied by Ion Mobility
- poster (717 KB pdf)
Summer L. Bernstein, Thomas Wyttenbach, Michael T. Bowers, Gal
Bitan, and David Teplow
of Small Peptides - poster (1.42 MB pdf)
Thomas Wyttenbach, Dengfeng Liu, and Michael T. Bowers
Stabilization of DNA Multiplexes - poster
Erin Shammel Baker, Jennifer Gidden, Alessandra Ferzoco, Thomas
Wyttenbach, and Michael Bowers
AAAS National
Meeting - February 15, 2003 - Denver, CO
Proteins: A Study of Their Structure and Dynamics - poster (17.2
MB pdf)
Alexandra Seuthe, Erin Baker, Dengfeng Liu, Thomas Wyttenbach,
Michael Bowers, Jeroen Demmers, Ester van Duijn, Johan Haverkamp, Albert
Heck, and J. Antoinette Killian
on Ion Chemistry and Mass Spectrometry - January 17 to 19, 2003 - Lake
Arrowhead, CA
of Peptides (6.00 MB pdf)
Dengfeng Liu, Thomas Wyttenbach, Perdita Barran, and Michael
T. Bowers
of Na2I+ and Na2Cl+ with
the Association of Water Molecules: Need How Many H2O to
Dissolve an Na+? (1.24 MB pdf)
Qiang Zhang and Michael T. Bowers
Phase Interactions and Aggregation of Amyloid β-Proteins Using
Ion Mobility (4.06 MB pdf)
Summer Bernstein, Thomas Wyttenbach, Gal Bitan, David Teplow,
and Michael T. Bowers
Structure of Small Protonated Peptides Containing Arginine and the Effect
of Hydration (1.14 MB pdf)
Thomas Wyttenbach, Dengfeng Liu, Perdita Barran, Michael T. Bowers,
Vicki Wysocki, Linda Breci, and Bela Paizs
of Reaction Products: Polymers and Organic Phenyl/Vinyl Linkages
(1.02 MB pdf)
Erin Shammel Baker, Jennifer Gidden, Glenn Bartholomew, Guillermo
Bazan, Michael T. Bowers, James Scrivens, Anthony Jackson, and William
and Modeling of Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxane (POSS) Monomers
(1.00 MB pdf)
Erin Baker, Jennifer Gidden, Stanley Anderson, Michael Bowers,
and Tim Haddad
ACS National
Meeting - August 18 to 22, 2002 - Boston, MA
Bridges: Aggregation, Hydration, and Fragmentation of Peptides and Oligonucleotides
(988 KB pdf)
Wyttenbach, Perdita Barran, Jennifer Gidden,
Summer Bernstein, Dengfeng Liu, Mike Bowers, Linda Breci, Vicki Wysocki,
and Bela Paizs
UCSB Summer
Research Colloquium - August 15, 2002 - Santa Barbara, CA
Onset of Amyloid Beta Peptide Aggregation - poster (521 KB pdf)
Alexandra Seuthe, Summer L. Bernstein, Erin Shammel Baker, Perdita
E. Barran, Thomas Wyttenbach, and Michael T. Bowers
FASEB Summer
Research Conference - Protein Folding in the Cell - July 27 to August
1, 2002 - Saxtons River, VT
Aggregation in the Gas Phase - poster (1.56 MB pdf)
L. Bernstein, Perdita E. Barran, Thomas Wyttenbach, and Michael
T. Bowers
on Ion Chemistry and Mass Spectrometry - January 25 to 27, 2002 - Lake
Arrowhead, CA
Solvent Conformations of Polypeptides be Retained in the Gas Phase?
- poster (897 KB pdf)
Bernstein, Evan McCarny, Perdita Barran, Thomas Wyttenbach, Kevin
Plaxco, and Michael T. Bowers
ACS Western
Regional Meeting - October 28 to 31, 2001 - Santa Barbara, CA
and Energetics of Peptide Hydration: A Study of Solvation Onset - poster
(92.0 KB pdf)
Alexandra Seuthe, Perdita Barran, Thomas Wyttenbach, and Michael
T. Bowers
Studies and 3-D Structural Characterization of POSS Compounds - poster
(549 KB pdf)
David Fee, Erin Shammel, Jennifer Gidden, Paul Kemper, and Michael
T. Bowers
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