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Filters: Keyword is Surface-Active Agents and Author is Butler, Alison [Clear All Filters]
XAS study of a metal-induced phase transition by a microbial surfactant.. Langmuir. 24(9):4999-5002.
2008. A suite of citrate-derived siderophores from a marine Vibrio species isolated following the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.. J Inorg Biochem. 107(1):90-5.
2012. Micelle-to-vesicle transition of an iron-chelating microbial surfactant, marinobactin E.. Langmuir. 21(26):12109-14.
2005. Metal-dependent self-assembly of a microbial surfactant.. Langmuir. 23(18):9393-400.
2007. Amino acid variability in the peptide composition of a suite of amphiphilic peptide siderophores from an open ocean Vibrio species.. J Biol Inorg Chem. 18(5):489-97.