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Filters: Author is Butler, Alison and Keyword is Ferric Compounds [Clear All Filters]
Stereospecific control of microbial growth by a combinatoric suite of chiral siderophores.. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 122(10):e2423730122.
2025. Ferric stability constants of representative marine siderophores: marinobactins, aquachelins, and petrobactin.. Inorg Chem. 48(23):11466-73.
2009. Iron(III) coordination chemistry of alterobactin A: a siderophore from the marine bacterium Alteromonas luteoviolacea.. Inorg Chem. 44(21):7671-7.
2005. Marine siderophores and microbial iron mobilization.. Biometals. 18(4):369-74.
2005. Membrane affinity of the amphiphilic marinobactin siderophores.. J Am Chem Soc. 124(45):13408-15.