Butler group gives multiple presentations at the ACS meeting in San Diego
August 25, 2019
Cliff, Parker and Zach give knock-out presentations at the ACS meeting in San Diego
Cliff presents his poster in the Inorganic Division:: "Influence of Ligand Structure and Stereochemistry on the Photoreactivity of Fe(III)-Siderophore complexes containing b-Hydroxyaspartic Acid."
Parker and Zach's poster is in the Inorganic Division poster session and the Scimix poster session: "An Enantiomeric Suite of Triscatecholate Siderophores: Origin and Physiological Relevance of Fe(III)-Complex Chirality."
Zach presents a talk in the Bioinorganic Session: "Genomic Analysis of Siderophore Fe(II)/α-ketoglutarate-dependent Aminoacyl β-Hydroxylases Reveals Functional Subtypes."