Lots of Conference Presentations in 2014 and 2015!
The Butler research group gave lots of presentations at conferences in Summer 2014. Greg Maier presented a poster at the Bio-inspired Materials Gordon Research Conference in June 2014 (in Maine). Steven Springer presented a poster at the Annual CenSURF Conference held at UCSB in August, as well as the UCSB Sustech Conference in October. Alison gave a Keynote Lecture at the 12th European Conference on BioInorganic Chemistry (EuroBIC12) in Zurich at the end of August. She also spoke at the Biometals 2014 meeting at Duke University in July, and at the Microbial Diversity Course within the Marine Biological Laboratory at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in mid August.
Summer 2015 is looking equally full with presentations at CanBIC5 in May 2015, ICBIC17 in July 2015, the Microbial Diversity Course within the Marine Biological Laboratory at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in mid August, and many at the University of Sydney, UNSW, and University of Melbourne in Australia in August/September 2015 as well as at NYU AbuDhabi in October 2015.