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Cinco MBaeza, Wu G, Kaltsoyannis N, Hayton T.  2020.  Synthesis of a “Masked” Terminal Zinc Sulfide and its Reactivity with Brønsted and Lewis Acids. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.. 59:8947-8951.
Cinco MÁBaeza, Hayton T.  2020.  Progress Toward the Isolation of Late Metal Terminal Sulfides. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. 2020:3613-3626.
Cinco MÁBaeza, Wu G, Telser J, Hayton TW.  2022.  Structural and Spectroscopic Characterization of a Zinc-Bound N-Oxyphthalimide Radical. Inorganic Chemistry. 61:13250–13255.
Cinco MÁBaeza, Kräh S, Guzman CF, Wu G, Hayton TW.  2022.  Photolytic or Oxidative Fragmentation of Trityl Diazeniumdiolate (O2N2CPh3): Evidence for Both C–N and N–N Bond Cleavage. Inorganic Chemistry. 61:14924–14928.
Cinco MÁBaeza, Chakraborty A, Guzman CF, Kräh S, Wu G, Hayton TW.  2023.  NO and N2O Release from the Trityl Diazeniumdiolate Complexes [M(O2N2CPh3)3] (M = Fe, Co). Inorganic Chemistry. 62:4847–4852.
Cinco MÁBaeza, Wu G, Hayton TW.  2023.  Photolytic C-Diazeniumdiolate Disassembly in the β-Diketiminate Complexes [MeLM(O2N2CPh3)] (M = Fe, Co, Cu). Inorganic Chemistry. 62:14064–14071.
Cook AW, Nguyen T-AD, Buratto WR, Wu G, Hayton TW.  2016.  Synthesis, Characterization, and Reactivity of the Group 11 Hydrido Clusters [Ag6H4(dppm)4(OAc)2] and [Cu3H(dppm)3(OAc)2]. Inorg. Chem.. 55:12435-12440.
Cook AW, Jones ZR, Wu G, Scott SL, Hayton TW.  2018.  An Organometallic Cu20 Nanocluster: Synthesis, Characterization, Immobilization on Silica, and “Click” Chemistry. J. Am. Chem. Soc.. 140:394-400.
Cook AW, Wu G, Hayton TW.  2018.  A Re-examination of the Synthesis of Monolayer-Protected Cox(SCH2CH2Ph)m Nanoclusters: Unexpected Formation of a Thiolate-Protected Co(II) T3 Supertetrahedron. Inorganic Chemistry. 57(14):8189–8194.
Cook AW, Hayton TW.  2018.  Case Studies in Nanocluster Synthesis and Characterization: Challenges and Opportunities. Accounts of Chemical Research. 51:2456-2464.
Cook AW, Jones ZR, Wu G, Teat SJ, Scott SL, Hayton TW.  2019.  Synthesis and Characterization of “Atlas-Sphere” Copper Nanoclusters: New Insights into the Reaction of Cu2+ with Thiols. Inorganic Chemistry. 58:8739-8749.
Cook AW, Hrobárik P, Damon PL, Najera D, Horváth B, Wu G, Hayton TW.  2019.  Synthesis and Characterization of a Linear, Two-Coordinate Pt(II) Ketimide Complex. Inorganic Chemistry. 58:15927-15935.
Cook AW, Hrobárik P, Damon PL, Wu G, Hayton TW.  2020.  A Ketimide-Stabilized Palladium Nanocluster with a Hexagonal Aromatic Pd7 Core. Inorg. Chem.. 59:1471-1480.
Cook AW, Bocarsly JD, Lewis RA, Touchton AJ, Morochnik S, Hayton TW.  2020.  An Iron Ketimide Single-molecule Magnet [Fe4(N=CPh2)6] with Suppressed Through-barrier Relaxation. Chem. Sci.. 11:4753-4757.
Fortier S, Brown JL, Kaltsoyannis N, Wu G, Hayton TW.  2012.  Synthesis, molecular and electronic structure of UV(O)[N(SiMe3)2]3. Inorg Chem. 51(3):1625-33.
Fortier S, Kaltsoyannis N, Wu G, Hayton TW.  2011.  Probing the reactivity and electronic structure of a uranium(V) terminal oxo complex. J Am Chem Soc. 133(36):14224-7.
Fortier S, Walensky JR, Wu G, Hayton TW.  2011.  High-valent uranium alkyls: evidence for the formation of UVI(CH2SiMe3)6. J Am Chem Soc. 133(30):11732-43.
Fortier S, Walensky JR, Wu G, Hayton TW.  2011.  Synthesis of a phosphorano-stabilized U(IV)-carbene via one-electron oxidation of a U(III)-ylide adduct. J Am Chem Soc. 133(18):6894-7.
Fortier S, Wu G, Hayton TW.  2010.  Synthesis of a nitrido-substituted analogue of the uranyl ion, [N=U=O]+. J Am Chem Soc. 132(20):6888-9.
Fortier S, Wu G, Hayton TW.  2010.  U(IV) and U(V) azide complexes supported by amide or aryloxide ligands. Dalton Trans. (2):352-4.
Fortier S, Melot BC, Wu G, Hayton TW.  2009.  Homoleptic uranium(IV) alkyl complexes: synthesis and characterization. J Am Chem Soc. 131(42):15512-21.
Fortier S, Wu G, Hayton TW.  2009.  Synthesis and redox chemistry of high-valent uranium aryloxides. Inorg Chem. 48(7):3000-11.
Fortier S, Wu G, Hayton TW.  2008.  Synthesis and characterization of three homoleptic alkoxides of uranium: [Li(THF)]2[UIV(OtBu)6], [Li(Et2O)][UVtBu)6], and UVI(OtBu)6. Inorg Chem. 47(11):4752-61.
Fortier S, Hayton TW.  2010.  Oxo ligand functionalization in the uranyl ion (UO22+). Coord Chem Rev. 254:197-214.
Hartmann NJ, Wu G, Hayton TW.  2015.  Synthesis of a "Masked" Terminal Nickel(II) Sulfide by Reductive Deprotection and its Reaction with Nitrous Oxide. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl. 54(49):14956-9.
Hartmann NJ, Wu G, Hayton T.W.  2016.  Activation of CS2 by a "masked" terminal nickel sulfide. Dalton Trans. 45:14508-14510.
Hartmann NJ, Wu G, Hayton TW.  2016.  Reactivity of a Nickel Sulfide with Carbon Monoxide and Nitric Oxide. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 138:12352-12355.
Hartmann NJ, Wu G, Hayton TW.  2017.  Trapping of an NiII Sulfide by a CoI Fulvene Complex. Organometallics. 36(9):1765–1769.
Hartmann NJ, Wu G., Hayton TW.  2018.  Synthesis and reactivity of a nickel(ii) thioperoxide complex: demonstration of sulfide-mediated N2O reduction. Chem. Sci.. 9(31):6580-6588.
Hayton TW.  2013.  Uranium chemistry: an actinide milestone. Nat Chem. 5(6):451-2.
Hayton TW.  2013.  Recent developments in actinide-ligand multiple bonding. Chem Commun (Camb). 49(29):2956-73.
Hayton TW.  2010.  Metal-ligand multiple bonding in uranium: structure and reactivity. Dalton Trans. 39(5):1145-58.
Hayton TW, Wu G.  2009.  Exploring the effects of reduction or Lewis acid coordination on the U=O bond of the uranyl moiety. Inorg Chem. 48(7):3065-72.
Hayton TW, Wu G.  2008.  Mixed-ligand uranyl(V) β-diketiminate/β-diketonate complexes: synthesis and characterization. Inorg Chem. 47(16):7415-23.
Hayton TW, Wu G.  2008.  Synthesis, characterization, and reactivity of a uranyl β-diketiminate complex. J Am Chem Soc. 130(6):2005-14.
Hayton TW, Boncella JM, Scott BL, Batista ER.  2006.  Exchange of an imido ligand in bis(imido) complexes of uranium. J Am Chem Soc. 128(39):12622-3.
Hayton TW, Boncella JM, Scott BL, Batista ER, P. Hay J.  2006.  Synthesis and reactivity of the imido analogues of the uranyl ion. J Am Chem Soc. 128(32):10549-59.
Hayton TW, Boncella JM, Scott BL, Palmer PD, Batista ER, P. Hay J.  2005.  Synthesis of imido analogs of the uranyl ion. Science. 310(5756):1941-3.
Hayton TW, Boncella JM, Scott BL, Abboud KA, Mills RC.  2005.  Coupling of an aldehyde or ketone to pyridine mediated by a tungsten imido complex. Inorg Chem. 44(25):9506-17.
Hayton TW, Patrick BO, Legzdins P.  2004.  New details concerning the reactions of nitric oxide with vanadium tetrachloride. Inorg Chem. 43(22):7227-33.
Hayton TW, W. McNeil S, Patrick BO, Legzdins P.  2003.  Toward binary nitrosyls: distinctly bent Fe-N-O linkages in base-stabilized Fe(NO)3+ complexes. J Am Chem Soc. 125(42):12935-44.
Hayton TW, Legzdins P, Patrick BO.  2002.  Differing reactivities of (trimpsi)M(CO)2(NO) complexes [M = V, Nb, Ta; trimpsi = tBuSi(CH2PMe2)3] with halogens and halogen sources. Inorg Chem. 41(21):5388-96.
Hayton TW, P. Daff J, Legzdins P, Rettig SJ, Patrick BO.  2002.  Synthesis, characterization, and solution redox properties of (trimpsi)M(CO)2(NO) complexes [M = V, Nb, Ta; trimpsi = tBuSi(CH2PMe2)3]. Inorg Chem. 41(16):4114-26.
Hayton TW, Legzdins P, Rettig SJ.  2002.  Di-μ-methoxy-bis[(η5-cyclopentadienyl)(nitrosyl-κ-N)(trimethylsilylmethyl)molybdenum(II)]. Acta Crystallogr C. 58(Pt 7):m377-8.
Hayton TW, Legzdins P, W. Sharp B.  2002.  Coordination and organometallic chemistry of metal-NO complexes. Chem Rev. 102(4):935-92.
Hayton TW, Legzdins P, Rettig SJ.  2002.  5-cyclopentadienyl)(p-fluorophenoxo)(nitrosyl)(trimethylsilylmethyl)molybdenum(II). Acta Crystallogr C. 58(Pt 2):m68-9.
Hayton TW, Patrick BO, Legzdins P, W. McNeil S.  2004.  The solid-state molecular structure of W(NO)3Cl3 and the nature of its W-NO bonding. Can J Chem. 82:285-292.
Hayton TW, Patrick BO, Legzdins P.  2004.  Reactivity of (trimpsi)V(NO)X2 Complexes (X = Cl, Br, I; trimpsi = tBuSi(CH2PMe2)3). Synthesis of the First Group 5 Alkyl Nitrosyls. Organometallics. 23:657-664.
Hayton TW.  2018.  Understanding the origins of Oyl-U-Oyl bending in the uranyl (UO22+) ion. Dalton Trans.. 47:1003-1009.
Hayton TW, Kaltsoyannis N.  2018.  Organometallic Actinide Complexes with Novel Oxidation States and Ligand Types. Experimental and Theoretical Approaches to Actinide Chemistry. :181–236.
Hayton TW.  2021.  Hydride, Alkyl, Aryl, Acetylide, Carbonyl, and Cyanide Complexes of the Actinides. Comprehensive Organometallic Chemistry IV.
Hayton TW, Staun S, Lukens W, Wu G.  2021.  Synthesis of a Mixed-valent Heterobimetallic Actinide Nitride and an Analysis of its Bonding. Chemical Science. 12:15519-15527.
Hayton TW, Shafaat HS.  2022.  Periodic TableTalks: An Oasis of Science within a Conference Desert. Inorganic Chemistry. 61:5965-5971.
Hayton TW.  2023.  Atomically Precise Nanoclusters of Iron, Cobalt, and Nickel: Why are They So Rare? Atomically Precise Nanochemistry.
Hayton TW, Humphrey SM, Cossairt BM, Brutchey RL.  2023.  We Need to Talk about New Materials Characterization. Inorganic Chemistry. 62:13165–13167.
Hayton TW, Autschbach J.  2025.  Using NMR Spectroscopy to Evaluate Metal–Ligand Bond Covalency for the f Elements. Accounts of Chemical Research. 58:488-498.
Hertler PR, Kautzsch L, Touchton AJ, Wu G, Hayton TW.  2022.  Metal–Metal-Bonded Fe4 Clusters with Slow Magnetic Relaxation. Inorganic Chemistry. 61:9997–10005.
Hertler PR, Lewis RA, Wu G, Hayton TW.  2023.  Measuring Metal–Metal Communication in a Series of Ketimide-Bridged [Fe2]6+ Complexes. Inorganic Chemistry. 62:11829–11836.
Hertler PR, Yu X, Brower JD, Nguyen T-AD, Wu G, Autschbach J, Hayton TW.  2024.  Exploring Spin-Orbit Effects in a [Cu6Tl]+ Nanocluster Featuring an Uncommon Tl-H Interaction. Chemistry – A European Journal. 30:e202400390.
Hertler PR, de la Vega ASauza-, Darù A, Sarkar A, Lewis RA, Wu G, Gagliardi L, Hayton TW.  2024.  A homoleptic Fe(iv) ketimide complex with a low-lying excited state. Chem. Sci.. 15:16559-16566.
Hertler PR, Touchton AJ, Wu G, Chang T, Chen Y-P, Chen Y-S, Hayton TW.  2025.  Synthesis of [Ni23Se12X3(PEt3)10] (X = Br, I) via Post-synthetic Modification. Inorganic Chemistry. ASAP Article
Keener M, Hunt C, Carroll TG, Kampel V, Dobrovetsky R, Hayton TW, Ménard G.  2020.  Redox-switchable carboranes for uranium capture and release. Nature. 577:652–655.
Keener M, Mattejat M, Zheng S-L, Wu G, Hayton TW, Ménard G.  2022.  Selective electrochemical capture and release of uranyl from aqueous alkali, lanthanide, and actinide mixtures using redox-switchable carboranes. Chem. Sci.. 13:3369-3374.
Kent GT, Wu G, Hayton TW.  2019.  Synthesis and Crystallographic Characterization of the Tetravalent Actinide-DOTA Complexes [AnIV8-DOTA)(DMSO)] (An = Th, U). Inorganic Chemistry. 58:8253-8256.
Kent GT, Staun SL, Wu G, Hayton TW.  2020.  Reactivity of [Ce(NR2)3] (R = SiMe3) with Prospective Carbon Atom Transfer Reagents. Organometallics. 39:2375–2382.
Kent GT, Murillo J, Wu G, Fortier S, Hayton TW.  2020.  Coordination of Uranyl to the Redox-Active Calix[4]pyrrole Ligand. Inorganic Chemistry. 59:8629–8634.
Kent GT, Cook AW, Damon PL, Lewis RA, Wu G, Hayton TW.  2021.  Synthesis and Characterization of Two “Tied-Back” Lithium Ketimides and Isolation of a Ketimide-Bridged [Cr2]6+ Dimer with Strong Antiferromagnetic Coupling. Inorganic Chemistry. 60:4996–5004.
Kent GT, Yu X, Pauly C, Wu G, Autschbach J, Hayton TW.  2021.  Synthesis of Parent Acetylide and Dicarbide Complexes of Thorium and Uranium and an Examination of Their Electronic Structures. Inorganic Chemistry. 60:15413–15420.
Kent G, Yu X, Wu G, Autschbach J, Hayton TW.  2021.  Synthesis and Electronic Structure Analysis of the Actinide Allenylidenes, [(NR2)3An(CCCPh2)]- (An = U, Th; R = SiMe3). Chemical Science. 12:14383-14388.
Kent G, Yu X, Wu G, Autschbach J, Hayton TW.  2022.  Ring-opening of a Thorium Cyclopropenyl Complex Generates a Transient Thorium-bound Carbene. Chem. Commun.. 58:6805-6808.
Ng SHK, Adams CS, Hayton TW, Legzdins P, Patrick BO.  2003.  Thermal activation of hydrocarbon C-H bonds initiated by a tungsten allyl complex. J Am Chem Soc. 125(49):15210-23.
Nguyen T-AD, Jones ZR, Goldsmith BR, Buratto WR, Wu G, Scott SL, Hayton TW.  2015.  A Cu25 Nanocluster with Partial Cu(0) Character. J Am Chem Soc. 137(41):13319-24.
Nguyen T-AD, Goldsmith BR, Zaman HT, Wu G, Peters B, Hayton TW.  2015.  Synthesis and characterization of a Cu14 hydride cluster supported by neutral donor ligands. Chem Eur J. 21(14):5341-4.
Nguyen T-AD, Wright AM, Page JS, Wu G, Hayton TW.  2014.  Oxidation of alcohols and activated alkanes with Lewis acid-activated TEMPO. Inorg Chem. 53(21):11377-87.
Nguyen T-AD, Jones ZR, Leto DF, Wu G, Scott SL, Hayton TW.  2016.  Ligand Exchange-Induced Growth of an Atomically Precise Cu29 Nanocluster from a Smaller Cluster. Chemistry of Materials. 28:8385–8390.
Nguyen T-AD, Cook AW, Wu G, Hayton TW.  2017.  Subnanometer-Sized Copper Clusters: A Critical Re-evaluation of the Synthesis and Characterization of Cu8(MPP)4 (HMPP = 2-Mercapto-5-n-propylpyrimidine). Inorganic Chemistry. 56:8390–8396.
Nguyen TH, Paul EL, Lukens WW, Hayton TW.  2023.  Evaluating f-Orbital Participation in the UV═E Multiple Bonds of [U(E)(NR2)3] (E = O, NSiMe3, NAd; R = SiMe3). Inorganic Chemistry. 62:6447-6457.
Nguyen TH, Yu X, Kent GT, Autschbach J, Hayton TW.  2023.  U-C Bond Insertion, Ring-Opening, and C-H Activation in a Uranium Bis(diisopropylamino)cyclopropenylidene (BAC) Adduct. Organometallics. 42:1005–1012.
Nguyen TH, Pauly C, Kent GT, Wu G, Hayton TW.  2023.  Dimerization and ring-opening in bis(diisopropylamino)cyclopropenylidene (BAC) mediated by [U(NR2)3(CCPh)] (R = SiMe3). Dalton Transactions. 52:13868-13871.
Nguyen TH, Ausman SF, MacGregor F, Wu G, Fortier S, Hayton TW.  2025.  The Curious Case of [AnH(NR2)3] (An = Th, U; R = SiMe3): Two Monomeric Actinide Hydrides Revisited. Organometallics. 44:105–114.
Scepaniak JJ, Wright AM, Lewis RA, Wu G, Hayton TW.  2012.  Tuning the reactivity of TEMPO by coordination to a Lewis acid: isolation and reactivity of MCl31-TEMPO) (M = Fe, Al). J Am Chem Soc. 134(47):19350-3.
Scepaniak JJ, Wu G, Hayton TW.  2012.  Complexes of Cu(I) supported by a tris(ketimine) tripod. Dalton Trans. 41(26):7859-61.
Schettini MF, Wu G, Hayton TW.  2012.  Synthesis and reactivity of a uranyl-imidazolyl complex. Chem Commun (Camb). 48(10):1484-6.
Schettini MF, Wu G, Hayton TW.  2009.  Coordination of N-donor ligands to a uranyl(V) β-diketiminate complex. Inorg Chem. 48(24):11799-808.
Schnaars DD, Gaunt AJ, Hayton TW, Jones MB, Kirker I, Kaltsoyannis N, May I, Reilly SD, Scott BL, Wu G.  2012.  Bonding trends traversing the tetravalent actinide series: synthesis, structural, and computational analysis of AnIV(Aracnac)4 complexes (An = Th, U, Np, Pu). Inorg Chem. 51(15):8557-66.
Schnaars DD, Wu G, Hayton TW.  2011.  Silylation of the uranyl ion using B(C6F5)3-activated Et3SiH. Inorg Chem. 50(19):9642-9.
Schnaars DD, Batista ER, Gaunt AJ, Hayton TW, May I, Reilly SD, Scott BL, Wu G.  2011.  Differences in actinide metal-ligand orbital interactions: comparison of U(IV) and Pu(IV) β-ketoiminate N,O donor complexes. Chem Commun (Camb). 47(27):7647-9.
Schnaars DD, Wu G, Hayton TW.  2011.  Borane-mediated silylation of a metal-oxo ligand. Inorg Chem. 50(11):4695-7.
Schnaars DD, Wu G, Hayton TW.  2009.  Reduction of pentavalent uranyl to U(IV) facilitated by oxo functionalization. J Am Chem Soc. 131(48):17532-3.
Schnaars DD, Wu G, Hayton TW.  2009.  Reactivity of UI4(OEt2)2 with phenols: probing the chemistry of the U-I bond. Dalton Trans. (19):3681-7.
Schnaars DD, Wu G, Hayton TW.  2008.  Reactivity of UH3 with mild oxidants. Dalton Trans. (44):6121-6.
Seaman LA, Pedrick EA, Tsuchiya T, Wu G, Jakubikova E, Hayton TW.  2013.  Comparison of the reactivity of 2-Li-C6H4CH2NMe2 with MCl4 (M=Th, U): isolation of a thorium aryl complex or a uranium benzyne complex. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl. 52(40):10589-92.
Seaman LA, Hrobárik P, Schettini MF, Fortier S, Kaupp M, Hayton TW.  2013.  A rare uranyl(VI)-alkyl ate complex [Li(DME)1.5]2[UO2(CH2SiMe3)4] and its comparison with a homoleptic uranium(VI)-hexaalkyl. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl. 52(11):3259-63.
Seaman LA, Walensky JR, Wu G, Hayton TW.  2013.  In pursuit of homoleptic actinide alkyl complexes. Inorg Chem. 52(7):3556-64.
Seaman LA, Wu G, Edelstein N, Lukens WW, Magnani N, Hayton TW.  2012.  Probing the 5f orbital contribution to the bonding in a U(V) ketimide complex. J Am Chem Soc. 134(10):4931-40.
Seaman LA, Fortier S, Wu G, Hayton TW.  2011.  Comparison of the redox chemistry of primary and secondary amides of U(IV): isolation of a U(VI) bis(imido) complex or a homoleptic U(VI) amido complex. Inorg Chem. 50(2):636-46.
Seaman LA, Schnaars DD, Wu G, Hayton TW.  2010.  Isolation of a uranyl amide by "ate" complex formation. Dalton Trans. 39(29):6635-7.
Seaman LA, Pedrick EA, Wu G, Hayton TW.  2018.  Promoting oxo functionalization in the uranyl ion by ligation to ketimides. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry. 857:34-37.
Sergentu D-C, Kent GT, Staun SL, Yu X, Cho H, Autschbach J, Hayton TW.  2020.  Probing the Electronic Structure of a Thorium Nitride Complex by Solid-State 15N NMR Spectroscopy. Inorganic Chemistry. 59:10138–10145.
Smiles DE, Wu G, Hrobárik P, Hayton TW.  2016.  Use of 77Se and 125Te NMR Spectroscopy to Probe Covalency of the Actinide-Chalcogen Bonding in [Th(En){N(SiMe3)2}3]- (E = Se, Te; n = 1, 2) and Their Oxo-Uranium(VI) Congeners. J Am Chem Soc. 138(3):814-25.
Smiles DE, Wu G, Hayton TW.  2014.  Reversible chalcogen-atom transfer to a terminal uranium sulfide. Inorg Chem. 53(24):12683-5.
Smiles DE, Wu G, Hayton TW.  2014.  Synthesis of terminal monochalcogenide and dichalcogenide complexes of uranium using polychalcogenides, [En]2- (E = Te, n = 2; E = Se, n = 4), as chalcogen atom transfer reagents. Inorg Chem. 53(19):10240-7.
Smiles DE, Wu G, Hayton TW.  2014.  Synthesis of uranium-ligand multiple bonds by cleavage of a trityl protecting group. J Am Chem Soc. 136(1):96-9.
Smiles DE, Hayton TW.  2015.  Coordination chemistry of the actinide elements. McGraw-Hill Yearbook of Science and Technology.
Smiles DE, Wu G, Hayton TW.  2015.  Reactivity of [U(CH2SiMe2NSiMe3)(NR2)2] (R = SiMe3) with elemental chalcogens: towards a better understanding of chalcogen atom transfer in the actinides. New J Chem. 39:7563-7566.
Smiles DE, Wu G, Kaltsoyannis N, Hayton TW.  2015.  Thorium-ligand multiple bonds via reductive deprotection of a trityl group. Chem Sci. 6:3891-3899.
Smiles DE, Wu G, Hayton TW.  2016.  Synthesis, Electrochemistry, and Reactivity of the Actinide Trisulfides [K(18-crown-6)][An(η3-S3)(NR2)3] (An = U, Th; R = SiMe3). Inorganic Chemistry. 55:9150-9153.
Smiles DE, Wu G, Hrobárik P, Hayton TW.  2017.  Synthesis, Thermochemistry, Bonding, and 13C NMR Chemical Shift Analysis of a Phosphorano-Stabilized Carbene of Thorium. Organometallics. 36:4519–4524.
Spencer LP, Yang P, Minasian SG, Jilek RE, Batista ER, Boland KS, Boncella JM, Conradson SD, Clark DL, Hayton TW et al..  2013.  Tetrahalide complexes of the [U(NR)2]2+ ion: synthesis, theory, and chlorine K-edge X-ray absorption spectroscopy. J Am Chem Soc. 135(6):2279-90.
Spencer LP, Gdula RL, Hayton TW, Scott BL, Boncella JM.  2008.  Synthesis and reactivity of bis(imido) uranium(VI) cyclopentadienyl complexes. Chem Commun (Camb). (40):4986-8.
Staun SL, Sergentu D-C, Wu G, Autschbach J, Hayton TW.  2019.  Use of 15N NMR spectroscopy to probe covalency in a thorium nitride. Chem. Sci.. 10:6431-6436.
Staun SL, Stevens LM, Smiles DE, Goodwin CAP, Billow BS, Scott BL, Wu G, Tondreau AM, Gaunt AJ, Hayton TW.  2021.  Expanding the Nonaqueous Chemistry of Neptunium: Synthesis and Structural Characterization of [Np(NR2)3Cl], [Np(NR2)3Cl]−, and [NpN(R)(SiMe2CH2)2(NR2)]− (R = SiMe3). Inorganic Chemistry. 60:2740–2748.
Staun SL, Kent GT, Gomez-Torres A, Wu G, Fortier S, Hayton TW.  2021.  Reductive Coupling of Xylyl Isocyanide Mediated by Low-Valent Uranium. Organometallics. 40:2934–2938.
Staun SL, Smiles DE, Wu G, Hayton TW.  2024.  Synthesis and characterization of the actinide tosylimido complexes [K(18-crown-6)][An(NSO2-p-tolyl)(NR2)3] (An = U, Th; R = SiMe3). Polyhedron. 249:116787.