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Periodic TableTalks: An Oasis of Science within a Conference Desert. Inorganic Chemistry. 61:5965-5971.
2022. Photolytic C-Diazeniumdiolate Disassembly in the β-Diketiminate Complexes [MeLM(O2N2CPh3)] (M = Fe, Co, Cu). Inorganic Chemistry. 62:14064–14071.
2023. Photolytic or Oxidative Fragmentation of Trityl Diazeniumdiolate (O2N2CPh3–): Evidence for Both C–N and N–N Bond Cleavage. Inorganic Chemistry. 61:14924–14928.
2022. Probing the 5f orbital contribution to the bonding in a U(V) ketimide complex. J Am Chem Soc. 134(10):4931-40.
2012. Probing the Electronic Structure of a Thorium Nitride Complex by Solid-State 15N NMR Spectroscopy. Inorganic Chemistry. 59:10138–10145.
2020. Probing the reactivity and electronic structure of a uranium(V) terminal oxo complex. J Am Chem Soc. 133(36):14224-7.