The Sigma Program

    We have developed a computer program for calculating theoretical cross sections of model structures based on the Cartesian coordinates of the atoms in the molecule. This program, called sigma, uses an algorithm which is sometimes referred to as the projection approximation and employs Monte Carlo integration. The program package can be obtained from us by people working in the field. Requests should be sent to Thomas Wyttenbach at We obviously cannot guarantee accurate results nor proper performance and we apologize for unprofessional coding. Some information about the program can be found here:

  • Algorithm and Software Package Description - This is the README file for the sigma program package. It includes some theory regarding the projection approximation as well as a description of the files included in the package and instructions for compiling and running the program.
  • Lennard-Jones Potential - Details concerning the helium-ion interaction including Lennard-Jones parameters used in sigma.
  • Software Version History - A log of changes made to the sigma program.